Coconut Matcha Overnight Oatmeal

Matcha is one of my most loved flavors ever, and a truly simple approach to appreciate this yummy green powder is to include it into your morning dish of oats! It includes a truly pleasant flavor (and shading), and its additionally loaded with cell reinforcements and other stunning medical advantages to issue you a force support!

For those of you that aren't acquainted with Matcha Green Tea, its made by crushing premium green tea leaves into a fine powder, for the most part originates from Japan (Japanese matcha powders are the BEST, however more extravagant than the Chinese ones). It's totally not quite the same as standard tea leaves that you generally soak in water. As opposed to imbuing, matcha is mixed/blended into nourishment, so you get all the flavor and medical advantages of the tea.

Matcha comes in distinctive evaluations, generally Ceremonial/Premium Grade (which is suitable for drinking, higher quality and more lavish), and Cooking Grade (lesser quality & cost, suitable for blending with different sustenances). I stock both at home (matcha junkie), and for this formula I utilized cooking evaluation matcha.

Imperative: My recommendation in the event that you need to attempt matcha is, take a gander at the Color of the powder. Great, delicious matcha ought to be brilliant green, while awful matcha generally has a dinky tanish sloppy green shading. It's ideal to spend lavishly a little on great matcha, instead of purchasing a shabby one then detesting the taste, I think. :)


1/2 c moved oats

1/2 c coconut milk*

1/2 c water (utilize all the more/less relying upon how thick you need it to be)

1 tbsp chia seeds

1/2 tsp spirulina (Optional, yet includes A LOT of medical advantages & much greener shading)

2 tsp matcha powder

1 tbsp maple syrup, or to taste (different sweeteners that you favor will likewise work)

1 tsp vanilla concentrate

1 medium banana, squashed

1/4 c ground zucchini (Optional. I had some remaining zucchini so I included some inside)

Fixings of decision


Combine all the fixings truly well in a compartment/jug.

Refrigerate overnight. Before eating, top with your most loved fixings (berries matches well with matcha, include some granola/nuts for crunch, and a sprinkle of your most loved nut/coconut margarine for additional richness!)

*Note: You can utilize other milk that you have available, however it won't have that tropical coconut flavor, still scrumptious though!*